Sunday, March 28, 2010


I was tipped off to 'Jamie Oliver's Food Revolution' on ABC by my sister and I am watching it now. Has anyone else seen it? I'll let you know my thoughts when I am through watching it.

Until then, a little food for thought. Two cookbooks to recommend that help you eat seasonally. The first I used last summer to figure out what to do with all the fresh veggies I was getting. It is organized by season. The second I found at the library last week and has indicators for which seasons the recipe's ingredients are available. Stock your shelves now or find your favorite cooking website to have at the ready for the fresh veggies ahead!


  1. Did you know the Amazon book ads do not show up in the mail feed...?

  2. Hum...There seems to be some discrepancy in who they show up for but I will be more considerate of this in future posts.

  3. Nettie,
    Mom and I watched it. He's got quite a challenge. We thought it was amazing the way he tried to teach people what they were really eating. Great show.
